
Office Furniture & Products for the Return to the Workplace.

McCoy Rockford

This year has certainly transformed the way we work — and in many cases, enhanced the office furniture and commercial interior solutions we rely on. A return to the workplace strategy is very possible, and in fact, with measures to keep our environments safe, we can improve productivity and collaboration and make our organizations more efficient than before.

Keep Your (Social) Distance
While daily temperature checks and wearing masks in common areas can be effective tools for preventing employees from falling ill, it’s also important to maintain distance between coworkers even when they’re at their desks. Privacy screens and barriers by Steelcase placed between open workspaces add a layer of separation that reduces the risk of infection while still allowing communication and conversation. They also aid in reducing visual distractions, improving productivity and allowing for modesty and privacy in open office spaces.

Space-efficient workspace furniture like the Honey line from DARRAN also prioritizes employee well-being and work styles with varied geometric configurations. Choosing the best commercial interior products for your workspace is made simple with McCoy Rockford’s social distancing assessment. Our experienced sales staff will meet with you to analyze your current layout, discuss your organization’s needs and tailor your space to optimize workplace social distancing. The McCoy Rockford team will do the hard work of reimagining the flow of your workspace so you can continue to focus on keeping your employees safe.


Rely on Tech
Virtual meetings have now become a normal function of the workday, and more companies are modifying their workspaces to accommodate the increased use of technology in place of face-to-face interactions. Increasing power distribution throughout the office with Thread by Steelcase allows for more flexibility and freedom for employees to choose when and where they meet and collaborate and allows them to social distance while doing so. Steelcase’s strategic alliance with Microsoft also allows for enhanced collaborative efforts and the freedom to meet almost anywhere, with mobile stands and wall mounting systems designed for the Surface Hub 2S family of devices.

Similarly, acoustic meeting pods by Orangebox are highly customizable to suit the technology needs of any organization and allow for employee separation while adapting to the ever-changing fluidity of business meetings. Reconfiguring the layout and design of your office to accommodate these technological functions can be a challenge, which is why McCoy Rockford offers design support services to ensure your space is created to function the way you need it to.

Emphasize Ergonomics at Work and Home
In the face of pandemic fatigue, everyone is eager to be near their colleagues again. But fewer people could mean fewer infections, and staggering workdays between those working from home and those working from the office will help reduce the risk of making your office a hotspot for COVID-19. While your employees are going back and forth between the office and their homes, it’s important to ensure their ergonomic needs are met in both locations, such as with ergonomic office chairs by Steelcase. Eliminating discomfort and work-related muscle fatigue has been proven to increase productivity and focus and will lessen the impact of transitioning between working locations throughout the week.

It’s more important than ever to ensure that workspaces have been adapted to handle the changing times. The McCoy Rockford team knows that returning to the workplace is a possibility worth exploring, and we’re here to help make it a haven for health and productivity.