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McCoy Rockford Counterpoint Series: Resimercial vs. Corporate Environment

McCoy Rockford

As the debate over office space environment continues, McCoy Rockford brings you both sides of the discussion. This month, we’re focusing on the argument for resimercial, or home-inspired, spaces. Read on for our team’s thoughts and don’t forget to check back in May for the counterpoint.

Contemporary Workspaces Highlight Aspects of Home to Increase Employee Comfort
The lines have never been more blurred between work and home. As employee needs and wants evolve, forward-thinking designs blend the best of residential and commercial furnishings to create a workspace that is comfortable and familiar, while being flexible and inspiring. The reality is that most people are putting in longer hours at work, so why not provide them a space they actually want to live and work in?


Not Just Another Trend
Residential inspired features and furnishings create a relaxed and familiar atmosphere. The style is growing in popularity over the more standardized feel of typical workplace products, making it a design movement, not just a trend.

Plug In and Out
Create open spaces for collaboration as well as private places for individual, focused work. The variability of the design makes it possible for employees to work how they need to work, on any given day or hour.

Durability is Key
The bottom line is workplaces see a lot of traffic. Choosing material that is inspired by home, but with commercial-grade finishes, is important for long term durability and maintenance of a corporate space.

Less Structure, More Flexibility
When it comes to the layout of your modern workspace, don’t forget about the details like noise control and traffic patterns. For example, it might be distracting for employees completing focused work to have their office or workstation placed next to an open collaboration area or lounge. Be considerate of everyone’s needs and requirements.

 Is your office ready to improve efficiency and creativity?
Next month, we’ll cover the features and benefits of a corporate environment. If you have questions now, please contact the us, so our experts can navigate you through your options.