2 Big Benefits from Your Office Move

Cesar Duran

 There are 2 big benefits available to you and your company during an office move. You’ve heard the saying, “Out with the old, and in with the new.” Essentially, that’s the process your company is encountering when you move out of your old location and into the new one. 

To make sure your office move ends up as a milestone rather than a speed bump requires more than just moving from one location to another. As an executive, manager or the one designated to coordinate the move, it’s up to you to help your employees see your office relocation as a benefit rather than an inconvenience. 


If your current lease is approaching its expiration date, you and your company have a short window to make significant changes. This opportunity to reassess and revise your procedures can help you save on costs and time. 

Lower Running Costs

According to Luke Robertson of Office Principles, the time period surrounding your office move should include an evaluation and assessment of your costs. The vendors you use for office supplies, partnerships and sponsorships you’ve participated in, and other financial commitments should be placed under a microscope during your office move. This enables your company to evaluate and eliminate unnecessary costs before any leases or subscriptions are put into place.

Ditch the Unnecessary      

Speaking of eliminating the unnecessary, the procedures and time management techniques your company has employed at your soon-to-be former location may not necessarily translate to your new location. According to Business.com, an office move means a fresh start for the way your company goes about getting things done.

If your industry requires shipping and receiving, where and how do those things get done currently? Will it behoove your company to continue the same shipping/receiving procedures? Will that even be possible with in your new location? Questions like these help make sure you hit the ground running when you complete your office move.


The team of experts at Electric Lightwave suggest utilizing your office move as a chance to recalibrate how you’ll accomplish your company’s vision and mission as you enter your new space. This recalibration can take shape as you upgrade your equipment and redesign for the next phase of your company’s journey.


Depending on how long you’ve been in your current location, it’s inevitable the trends and gadgets developed to make the office more connected, enjoyable, and efficient have evolved. With this in mind, look for gaps in your company’s technology, areas where your work could be done more efficiently if the proper, new tools were put in place.

Or perhaps the upgrade your company needs has little to do with technology, and more to do with the physical pieces that make up your workspaces. Could your furniture use an upgrade? What about the lounging and eating areas in your new location? There are plenty of innovations available, and your office move is the perfect opportunity to introduce them to employees and boost morale.

Making Time

Of course, during an office move, who has the time to actually take advantage of these benefits? That’s where office movers come in. By partnering with a company that provides commercial moving services (like we do), you ensure professionals handle the logistics of your office move with the same care and detail you use to run your company. Professionals have done this already for countless other offices. So, instead of focusing on that, you and your employees would now have time to reassess and revise your costs and procedures while upgrading wherever possible.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Before you switch over all of your vendors, re-evaluate which of them you may no longer need in your next location.
  2. Take a look at those items in your office that are due for an upgrade. Your company (and possibly your customers) are sure to appreciate it!
  3. Afford yourself the proper amount of time to follow through with these steps by partnering with professional movers (like McCoy-Rockford) who will take care of your logistics.